AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a program that develops learning, study and academic behavioral skills that are essential to success in rigorous coursework. It acts as a catalyst for schools to develop a culture of college readiness for all students across the campus.
In the AVID Elective class, students receive daily instruction and support to prepare them for college from a trained AVID Elective teacher. AVID impacts students schoolwide as academic strategies like writing to learn, inquiry, collaboration, organizational skills, and critical reading are taught in all classes by teachers who have been trained to use AVID strategies in their specific content areas.
AVID is an academic support program designed to prepare select students for college eligibility and success. It targets students with average grades who may not yet be performing to their potential. They may also have special circumstances that hinder their achievement, be the first member of their family to attend college, experience financial hardship or be historically underrepresented in college populations.
The AVID class builds on the student’s desire and determination to succeed with academic support that focuses on writing as a tool of learning, the inquiry method, organization and collaboration. The main components of the AVID system are academic instruction, tutorial support, motivational encouragement and strategies to increase student confidence to undertake rigorous course work. Successful AVID students maintain patterns of good attendance and behavior, minimum 2.0 GPA and a determination to succeed.
AVID is not an intervention class for students with poor grades, attendance, attitudes or behaviors. To be considered for placement in AVID, students must apply. Applications may be picked up in the ACMA Counseling Office.